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Friday, February 28, 2020

We found the chillest driver in the ENTIRE world

Weekly F'Bomb
Meet the chillest driver in the world
If you can zen out in rush hour, you can zen out anywhere.

Because the inevitable dramas and various collisions (real or metaphorical) we get into in our end-of-day, post-work funk can, and often do, bring out the worst in us. But occasionally, once in an abandoned mattress on the highway shoulder, you meet someone who rises above it all. And Alex Greer has found that human being today.

Finally, here's how to correctly pronounce "Gif"
Since the dawn of mankind (more or less) one debate has divided us... How the heck do you pronounce 'Gif'?

For far too long people have been throwing that hard G about with reckless abandon. That's why this certified professor is here to set everybody straight and end this arjument for jood.
What to do (and not do) on a first date

What if there was a way to know if a date was going well or not?

Hi, America, we're here to tell you there IS in fact a way to know if a date is going well or not. It's by just being yourself and trusting the universe! knowing the First Date Red Flags, and these two ladies know them all. 'Cause there's a lot.

Elizabeth Warren and Stephen Colbert played "Guess The Billionaire" and it was HILARIOUS
The most loyal ride-or-die dog joins toddler in time out
Guy stays intoxicated for an entire month in first-ever no sobriety February
Just in time for the weekend! Weee-hooo, it's Brunch Bitches
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