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Friday, February 7, 2020

BEHOLD! The cure for chronic lateness is here!

Weekly F'Bomb
Your cure for habitual lateness is here
That person usually rolls up 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes late, ready with an excuse that may involve any of the following (or a combination thereof): traffic, car trouble, family call, broken pipe, got lost, chased by Ghostface, escaped a tidal wave, fell into a garbage pit. Like I said, we've all been there! And there has never been a cure — until now.
Here's how to make sure you get that much needed time for self care
Man... jobs, commutes, bills, car repairs, pets, kids, house plants — no matter what you've got on your plate, we've all got two things in common: too much to do, and not enough time to take care of yourself. Luckily, there's an ice cream shop to help you make the most of that break. In Funny Or Die's Ice Cream Therapy, our ice cream artisans, JP (played by JP Sears) and Gabbie (Gabbie Hanna) create the perfect sundaes to give you the ultimate treatment to improve your life.
This is a sure-fire way to ruin your son's Japanese wedding

Konnichiwa! That's Japanese for "hello. Do not touch any of my sushi. It is mine, and only mine. But help yourself to as much "retasu" as you'd like.

I'm Miss Communication, and today's lesson will demonstrate the perils of misusing a word when introducing your mother to your fiancée. "Lettuce" travel to Japan!

Behold, three minutes of David Rose just saying, "Oh my GOD"
Watch this video of a coyote and a badger who are friends and weep
This puppet loses his virginity to awesome dance music and we have questions
Bresha Webb warns you to think with your heart, not your, ahem, OTHER heart
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