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Friday, January 31, 2020

'Kid Nation' was the most insane show and we need to talk about it

Weekly F'Bomb
Was 'Kid Nation' the worst reality show ever?
Welcome to Kid Nation, one of the most insane reality TV shows ever made, where unaccompanied minors are driven to the middle of the desert to build a society from scratch, cook for themselves, clean for themselves, run their own economy, and drink bleach (look it up, that happened) and it really makes you wonder... was this the worst reality show ever?
This British Olympic medalist is a funny as she is wise
Hey, Internet, meet Tasha Danvers, British Olympic bronze medalist, and she's stuck in traffic with you today! The most important things to know about Tasha:
  1. She stays ready so she never needs to get ready
  2. She's from South London
  3. She knows the secret to hurdles, and even shares it in this episode
  4. She has absolutely no fear
Y'all better buckle up, this is wild ride.
Telenovelas are known for being way too over-the-top and Teresa is no exception
What's worse? Dragging yourself across the ground in absolute agony because your entire family disowned you for being a huge piece of shit? Having a man shoot you because you seduced him and stole all his money? Or…marrying a man that you can't stand just because he's rich? Well the Mexican Telenovela Teresa, allows you enjoy all three situations, because it doubles up as a choose your own adventure story! That's right, since one dumpster fire of an ending isn't enough, Teresa gives you three… and why is that…well…because telenovelas are hell.
This clip of Alexis literally just saying "DAVID" is the funniest thing ever
This dad's photoshoot of his baby doing manly things is hysterical
This device is guaranteed to keep any man faithful
Getting the very last pastry is no laughing matter
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