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Monday, April 30, 2018

13 Reasons Why Will Return for Season 2 This Very Month


Netflix has released a teaser trailer for the second season of 13 Reasons Why, in which it announced that the controversial, long-awaited series will premiere on May 18.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Lauren Evans on The Muse, shared by Lauren Evans to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

Un 1er mai sous tension

mardi 1 mai 2018 - Le Parisien
logo Le Parisien L'ESSENTIEL
Nous sommes le mardi 1er mai, et nous fêtons… le travail, mais aussi les Jérémie. La météo ? Du mieux ! Même si les températures resteront fraîches pour la saison, de belles éclaircies sont annoncées sur la majeure partie du territoire. Dans l'actualité du jour, la manifestation de ce 1er mai, qui inquiète notamment la préfecture de police de Paris, mais aussi le terrible récit du viol et du meurtre d'Angélique, 13 ans, dans le Nord, et les accusations d'Israël concernant un programme nucléaire «secret» en Iran.
Une manifestation du 1er mai sous tension
Une manifestation du 1er mai sous tension
Des «militants de groupes contestataires issus de mouvances extrémistes» inquiètent notamment la préfecture.
Angélique, 13 ans, a été séquestrée et violée avant d'être tuée : le terrible récit du procureur
David R., 45 ans, a été mis en examen lundi pour séquestration, viol et meurtre sur mineur de moins de 15 ans.
Nice : des détonations provoquent un mouvement de foule, plusieurs blessés
Il s'agirait a priori d'un différend entre deux couples.
Netanyahou affirme qu'Israël a des «preuves concluantes» d'un programme nucléaire iranien secret
Selon le Premier ministre israélien, l'accord sur le nucléaire iranien repose sur des «mensonges» de la République islamique d'Iran. Ces derniers ont moqué son «show».
Contrôle technique, gaz, TNT : ce qui va changer en mai
A partir de ce mois-ci, le contrôle technique sera plus sévère. Des changements de tarifs interviennent également pour le gaz et les cigarettes.
Rose Laurens, interprète du tube «Africa», est morte
Rose Laurens, interprète du tube «Africa», est morte
La chanteuse est décédée à 65 ans. Son tube dans les années 80 s'était vendu à plus d'un million d'exemplaires.
Meurtre d'Angélique : comment fonctionne le fichage des délinquants sexuels
Meurtre d'Angélique : comment fonctionne le fichage des délinquants sexuels
Créé en 2005, un fichier localise les délinquants sexuels et est supposé prévenir la récidive. Plus de 78000 personnes y sont inscrites à ce jour.
Grève à Air France : qui est Philippe Evain, qualifié de «lider Maximo» des pilotes ?
Grève à Air France : qui est Philippe Evain, qualifié de «lider Maximo» des pilotes ?
Le président du syndicat de pilotes majoritaire, tenant d'une ligne dure, est en première ligne du mouvement social.
Real Madrid : Benzema, c'est quoi le problème ?
Real Madrid : Benzema, c'est quoi le problème ?
Le rendement du buteur français cause des maux de tête à Zidane, son plus grand défenseur. Sera-t-il une nouvelle fois remplaçant ce mardi soir contre le...
Paris (75)
Paris : un policier grièvement blessé, percuté par un chauffard près de l'Élysée
Seine-et-Marne (77)
Coulommiers : condamnés à des amendes pour avoir filmé un handicapé dénudé
Yvelines (78)
Coignières : le maire se met en retrait pour raison de santé
Essonne (91)
Avant son procès, le maire de Wissous fait sortir l'opposition de ses gonds
Hauts-de-Seine (92)
Hauts-de-Seine : grièvement blessé par balles par un motard près du parc de Sceaux
Seine-Saint-Denis (93)
Neuilly-Plaisance : un an de prison pour le danseur escroc
Val-de-Marne (94)
L'Haÿ-les-Roses : le poste de police portera le nom d'Arnaud Beltrame
Val-d'Oise (95)
Val-d'Oise : 6 mois de prison pour avoir harcelé Cécile Duflot avec ses déclarations d'amour
Oise (60)
Compiègne : Le NRJ Music Tour maintenu malgré la pluie
Le Parisien
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Roy Moore Is Suing His Accusers for 'Political Conspiracy'


Roy Moore, alleged pedophile, failed Senate candidate and a name I keep hoping will just go away, has nosed his way out of his midden heap to file a defamation lawsuit on Monday against four women he's accusing of ruining his otherwise sterling reputation.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Lauren Evans on The Slot, shared by Lauren Evans to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

More Than 100 U.S. Uber Drivers Accused of Sexual Assault in the Last Four Years: Report 


Compared to street hailing a cab, Uber feels like the safer option: Both your ride and driver are theoretically held accountable by the app, and that layer of security, however thin, can often fool us into believing that it's enough.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Lauren Evans, feed_url:, }

Ashley Judd Is Suing Harvey Weinstein for Harming Her Career


Ashley Judd has filed a lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein, saying he damaged her career by spreading lies about her after she refused his advances. As she told ABC:


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Lauren Evans, feed_url:, }

John Kelly, Whose Boss Is Donald Trump, Reportedly Believes That Women Are More Emotional Than Men


Welcome to Barf Bag, a daily politics roundup to help you sort through the chaotic Trumpian news cycle.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Ellie Shechet on The Slot, shared by Katie McDonough to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

How Bill Cosby Divided Black America


Editor's note: In the wake of the Cosby verdict, former Ebony Editor-in-Chief Kierna Mayo reflects on her "shattered glass" Cosby Show cover and how it highlighted a great divide.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Kierna Mayo on The Root, shared by Clover Hope to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

Jalopnik You Can Get An Awesome Deal On A Ford ST Or RS Right Now Before They’re Gone | io9 After Av


Jalopnik You Can Get An Awesome Deal On A Ford ST Or RS Right Now Before They're Gone | io9 After Avengers: Infinity War, We're Dying to Have These Questions Answered | Lifehacker MoviePass Got Worse Again | Kotaku What We Liked And Didn't Like About Avengers: Infinity War |


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Kinja! on Kinja Roundup, shared by Ellie Shechet to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

We Bet These Celebs' Texts Are More Interesting Than Kanye's


Unless you've been living under a rock—and god do I envy that privilege if so—you might be aware that Kanye West, musician and President Trump fan, has been tweeting. A lot. He's been tweeting a lot, okay?


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Hazel Cills, feed_url:, }

George Mason University Let Fossil Fuel Billionaires Help Choose Which Professors to Hire 


A student-led lawsuit revealed that the Charles Koch Foundation had a hand in the hiring and firing of George Mason University professors, the Washington Post reports.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Ellie Shechet on The Slot, shared by Koa Beck to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

Westworld Is Infiltrating Our Actual Lives, All According to Plan


We're only on Episode 2 of Westworld's second season, and already we have been thrust into a confounding spiral; not only have the human and host worlds crossed wires on the show, they seem to be doing so in our day-to-day lives, too.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, feed_url:, }

Queer Eye's Antoni, Who I'm Still Not Sure Can Cook, to Release Actual Cookbook 


Some people hate Queer Eye's soft-spoken food expert Antoni Porowski. Others, like myself, find him a charming and harmless addition to the new Fab Five. But no matter what you think about Antoni's personality, fans and enemies can agree on one thing: the man can not cook.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Hazel Cills, feed_url:, }

A Salute to Benjamin Franklin, the Original Tiny Glasses-Wearer


For the past two years, I have felt the walls encroaching in on me. It's been a slow, almost imperceptible creep, from a time one year ago when I thought, "Tiny glasses? I'll pass," to my current, inexplicable need to have one-to-three pairs for the summer. It is as Hazel Cills has soothsayed (soothsaid?): one day we…


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Joanna Rothkopf, feed_url:, }

Shayna McHayle, a.k.a Junglepussy, Lets Us Into Her Custom, Pink, Furry Closet


Most people know Shayna McHayle by her stage name, Junglepussy, and her powerful, biting raps therein. But as the born-and-raised Brooklynite preps her third album, JP3, out May 11, she's also adding lines to her resumé. This year, she will make her feature film debut opposite Regina Hall in Support the Girlsa film…


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, feed_url:, }

Stormy Daniels Is Suing Donald Trump for Defamation


Adult-film actress and perpetual thorn in the Trump administration's side, Stormy Daniels, is suing Donald Trump for defamation.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Ashley Reese on The Slot, shared by Katie McDonough to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

Save Hundreds On All the TUMI Gear You Could Ever Need


Normally, TUMI luggage will run you into the $500s and even more. But with Nordstrom Rack's sale, you can get your own TUMI carry on, backpack, messenger bag, and luggage for hundreds off list price. I'm not talking a couple hundred, here. You could stand to save almost $400 on certain styles.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Jillian Lucas on Kinja Deals, shared by Jillian Lucas to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

Protesters Ask 'Do We Have to Die to Prove Rape?' Following Controversial Verdict in Spain


The verdict last week in an alleged gang rape case in Pamplona, Spain set off protests that continued into the weekend, reports the New York Times. Five men were accused of raping a woman during the city's running-of-the-bulls festival—but the court sentenced the men to a lesser charge of sexual abuse.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Tracy Clark-Flory, feed_url:, }

AlArabiya قناة العربية just uploaded a video

AlArabiya قناة العربية has uploaded الرئيس السيسي يتدخل شخصيا لحل أزمة محمد صلاح مع اتحاد الكرة بتدخل شخصي من الرئيس السيسي...

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الرئيس السيسي يتدخل شخصيا لحل أزمة محمد صلاح مع اتحاد الكرة
الرئيس السيسي يتدخل شخصيا لحل أزمة محمد صلاح مع اتحاد الكرة
AlArabiya قناة العربية
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