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Thursday, November 30, 2017
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E. Wolf just uploaded a video
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Matt Lauer's Lawyers Reportedly Looking Into Getting Him a $30 Million Payout From NBC
Earlier today, fired and disgraced former Today show anchor Matt Lauer apologized for the pain he caused others "by words and actions," adding he still feels "blessed" by the love of those close to him. That certainly sounded as if he were sorry and would maybe stop making ridiculous demands of people for a while.…
, title:Jezebel, url:http://ift.tt/2AvJkKV, author:Hannah Gold, feed_url: http://jezebel.com, }WatchMojo.com just uploaded a video
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Anthony Scaramucci Not Getting Divorced Anymore, Says He and His Wife Are 'Absolutely' Back Together
Anthony Scaramucci is back in the news and pasting together the pieces of his broken life, baby.
Bette Midler Suggests Geraldo Rivera Should Apologize for Alleged Sexual Assault
Hey, since Geraldo Rivera is already hard at work apologizing for shit, maybe Bette Midler can get in on that? It's her birthday tomorrow after all, and Geraldo Rivera's public contrition, and maybe some bonus shame, would make a halfway decent gift.
The Kinja Deals Gift Guide: 100 Genuinely Useful Stocking Stuffers For Under $20
The further you get down your holiday shopping list, the harder it is to find good gifts. But these stocking stuffer ideas are all around $20 or less, and would be actually useful gifts for nearly anyone.
The Senate Is Slated to Vote on the No Good, Very Bad Tax Bill Soon
Welcome to Barf Bag, a daily politics roundup to help you sort through the chaotic Trumpian news cycle.
30 Years Later, Australian Judge Rules Gay Man's Death a Hate Crime
In 1988, the body of 27-year-old Scott Johnson was found at the base of a cliff in Sydney, Australia. His death was ruled a suicide, but after the pieces didn't add up, his family pushed for another explanation. Now, 30 years, and three inquests later, a judge has found that Johnson did not, in fact, take his own…
, title:Jezebel, url:http://ift.tt/2Anq6og, author:Lauren Evans, feed_url: http://jezebel.com, }Here's a Great Example of Why Women Need to Lead the Conversation About Sexual Assault
I don't make it a habit to watch Morning Joe because I like to start my mornings off without screaming into a sweatshirt until my throat is raw. Today was an excellent example of why I don't: Joe Scarborough steamrolled his fiancée Mika Brzezinski and two women guests to offer his explanation of the Matt Lauer…
, title:Jezebel, url:http://ift.tt/2AvmYtg, author:Megan Reynolds, feed_url: http://jezebel.com, }Gizmodo Unconscious Patient With ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Tattoo Causes Ethical Conundrum at Hospital |
Gizmodo Unconscious Patient With 'Do Not Resuscitate' Tattoo Causes Ethical Conundrum at Hospital | Jalopnik What It Was Like Keeping The New Jeep Wrangler's Juiciest Secrets Quiet For Two Years | Kotaku Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Is A Super Nintendo Game, Microwave-Mutated For The 2017 Generation | The A.V. Club Man's…
, title:Jezebel, url:http://ift.tt/2zQFMDx, author:Kinja! on Kinja Roundup, shared by Joanna Rothkopf to Jezebel, feed_url: http://jezebel.com, }Vine Co-Founder Says He's Working on a Follow-Up App
The world just hasn't been the same since Vine, the only good app ever created, left this earth. But Dom Hofmann, co-founder of Vine, tweeted today that he's actually working on a follow-up app.
, title:Jezebel, url:http://ift.tt/2Au2yRh, author:Hazel Cills, feed_url: http://jezebel.com, }WatchMojo.com just uploaded a video
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Alegra Chetti just uploaded a video
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AllGoodThingsNetwork just uploaded a video
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- Aya Nakamura : la chanteuse en bikini échancré / Sexe au travail : 9 personnes sur 10 concernées
- Comment se masturber tout habillé ? / Comment savoir si vous êtes sexuellement compatibles ? / Combien de partenaires faudrait-il avoir eu avant de se caser ?
- "Ca fait porno" : la dernière photo Instagram de Shanna Kress (Les Anges) choque les internautes / La vidéo d'un gilet jaune qui bloque un rond-point tout seul fait le buzz
- We Donated $1 to Paul Manafort's Defense Fund but Have No Idea Where the Money Went
- Ursula TV just uploaded a video
- inaugurate | Word of the Day
- Tiffanieray just uploaded a video
- Nikita Bellucci : malaise après une blague (très) osée d'Antoine de Caunes (VIDEO) / La phrase d'accroche parfaite pour conclure sur les sites de rencontre
- 🧩 Now Introducing Games & Solvers!
- Some “Chagrin” (& A Puzzling Grammatical Conundrum)