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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

CBS Says It's 'Looking Into' Groping Allegations Against Jeremy Piven


On Monday, actress and reality TV personality Ariane Bellamar took to Twitter to air groping allegations against actor Jeremy Piven. Bellamar claims Piven groped her breasts in his trailer while he was working on the HBO series Entourage (a show which, incidentally, revolved around a click of piggish Hollywood males).…


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Hannah Gold, feed_url:, }

Miss Peru Beauty Pageant Contestants Recite Facts About Violence Against Women Instead of Their Measurements 


Apparently sometimes beauty pageant contestants are asked to disclose their bodily dimensions publicly during competition. At least, that's what typically occurs at the annual Miss Peru show—but this year its participants opted to speak out against female oppression instead.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Hannah Gold, feed_url:, }

Donald Trump Jr. Inadvertently Reminds the Internet That Free Candy Is for Socialists 


Donald Trump Jr., boy prince of trolling us all with his inner ugliness and outer flannel, has begun his familial Halloween celebrations by dressing his daughter as a cop and pretending to know what socialism is.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Hannah Gold on The Slot, shared by Hannah Gold to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

Karissa Pukas just uploaded a video

Karissa Pukas has uploaded 😱Insane Apartment Tour | Karissa Pukas 👻 Halloween 2017 | » Very possibly the best ha...

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😱Insane Apartment Tour    | Karissa Pukas 👻 Halloween 2017 |
😱Insane Apartment Tour | Karissa Pukas 👻 Halloween 2017 |
Karissa Pukas
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women just uploaded a video

women has uploaded Nicole Scherzinger Gorgeous Dress at Pride of Britain Awards 2017 ***************************...

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Nicole Scherzinger Gorgeous Dress at  Pride of Britain Awards 2017
Nicole Scherzinger Gorgeous Dress at Pride of Britain Awards 2017
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Justin Bieber Reportedly Thrilled That Selena Gomez Is Single Cause He Wants to Be Her Boyfriend Again


It may be true that Selena Gomez and The Weeknd's very recent breakup had nothing to do with Justin Bieber. It may also be true that this is Justin Bieber's opportunity to present himself as a new man. And not just cause it's Halloween and he's a man.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Hannah Gold, feed_url:, } just uploaded a video has uploaded Top 10 Stranger Things 2 Movie References This video is sponsored by ...

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Top 10 Stranger Things 2 Movie References
Top 10 Stranger Things 2 Movie References
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Upgrade Your Travel Status to Platinum With American Express


The American Express Platinum is the original premium travel credit card. Not to be outdone by increasingly stiff competition, recent additions and upgrades to Platinum membership offer amazing value to the right travelers.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Shane Roberts on Gear, shared by Shep McAllister to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

White House Chief of Staff: Robert E. Lee Was An 'Honorable Man'  


Welcome to Barf Bag, a daily politics roundup to help you sort through the chaotic Trumpian news cycle.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Ellie Shechet on The Slot, shared by Kelly Stout to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

It's Not Too Late to Be Björk's Vulva Forehead Album Cover for Halloween


In a tweet, mother Björk hit us with the cover for her forthcoming album Utopia. Designed by the London-based artist Jesse Kanda, whose contemporary surrealism you may recognize via his collaborations with fka twigs and Arca.


, title:Jezebel, url:, author:Julianne Escobedo Shepherd on The Muse, shared by Kelly Stout to Jezebel, feed_url:, }

The Weirdest and Wildest Celebrity Halloween Costumes This Year

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